Sunday, December 28, 2008

My Christmas Gift

I wanted for Justin to be able to sit up on his own for my Christmas present. It wasn't really all that impossible, but I still really hoped it could happen. He was doing SO well, but I couldn't get a picture for fear he would fall when I was looking through the camera. And then I got this picture:

He's kind of leaning on the toy, but not really. He is doing FANTASTIC! Don't ask him to watch you move an object over his head because then he falls for sure, but if he just sits, he's good. And it's not just balance until he falls. When I am holding him to practice, I can feel his muscles "firing" (a favorite therapist word!) to correct himself when he begins to fall. It's very cool! I am not sure what the exact time limits would be to claim sitting, but he is darn close! And he almost has the second tooth in front too! Sitting AND two front teeth! Who can't claim a Christmas miracle?

And here's the boys Christmas Eve, on the hearth. There are some pictures of them looking at the camera, but I thought this one was better. It kind of looks like they are plotting to catch Santa Claus! (Did I mention that Justin LOVES his thumb??)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So, I guess you could say that Justin got his two front teeth for Christmas! HA!