Monday, December 22, 2008


I have given up on sleep. Mine, that is. Naps aren't any better after my sleep intervention, but Justin has been good at therapy so I think I will just stick it out for another what, 3 years? 4? I think the tooth may have been part of our problem. So now we only have 15 more to go, and then molars? Whoo, hoo!

And we have been working on Travis and his numbers so he knows when to get up in the morning. We spray shaving cream on the wall in the bath for him to practice writing numbers.

But still all he does is open the door and yell, "Is it 6-3-0 yet?" And if I say no, he goes back in and cries until I say it is. He won't even play with his toys! BUT, I just got an e-mail from a fellow mom who has heard of my plight and she recommended this. OH MY GOSH! I am SO on the waiting list for this!

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