Wednesday, July 9, 2008


So generally speaking, how are we doing? Really, quite well I would say. Justin has been gaining weight very well. He has passed the 10 pound mark and is getting a little roll of fat on his legs. I wouldn't call it "sausage legs" yet, but maybe "little smokie legs". We are doing the same things that most families do during the summer: We have gone swimming (Justin fell asleep in the water), we have gone to the park, and we "help" Daddy mow the lawn, until it gets "too loud" for Travis. Justin has really started talking and yesterday we had several long conversations. This morning he woke up with quite a lot to say as well. He is smiling some too, but that takes quite some effort on my part, and he WILL NOT smile for the camera! I have about 20 pictures of a vacant stare from our photo session yesterday.

I started thinking about leaving Justin in the church nursery and what I would say to the nursery workers. I can truly say that the similarities to other children far outweigh the differences. All the books say that, but I still spent the first few weeks looking for them. No one could tell me any differently, and I would never tell anyone else in my place not to do the same. I think it's a time that every parent has to go through. But I really do feel settled in. Of course, after the surgery it will be even better, but for now I am pleased to say that I am confident we will survive. Not just survive, but thrive.

1 comment:

jan a. said...

He's sooo very cute!! Sounds like things are really looking up...the answers to lots of prayers...jan adud.