Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Water Play Day and a School Visit

This week has been a little crazy. We had a lot of different directions to go, and timing and planning were of utmost importance. The kids' car seats have been in 5 different cars, and today I realized that each of the four members of our family were in different places for about 2 hours. That just seems odd when the kids are so young, and they don't go to day care.

Yesterday the kids went to playgroup at the fountains close to our house, and Randy and I went to visit a potential school for Justin. The kids had way more fun than we did. Both boys had a great time, and I was sad that I couldn't be there to see their faces. Fortunately I have some fabulous friends who took some pictures for me. It was one of those water pads where the water shoots up at random times. Justin had so much fun that he had to be taken out and warmed up a little before he could go back in. The water would shoot up and he would get wet and then he would look down in the hole to see where the water went. Too cute! And Travis figured out he could put his bucket on the holes and when the water came up it would send the bucket about 2 feet into the air before it fell off. He would clap and jump up and down. I can see him doing that. Here's some pictures my friend sent within hours of the playgroup. I am beyond impressed. It would have taken me...a week? Maybe longer.

And the school visit? It was a private school for kids with special needs. It is a good school, definitely, but not for us right now. We are still in the information-gathering stage, and this was something we wanted to check out. Worth the visit, but not the right place for Justin now. I am glad we went for the knowledge, but I think we'll keep doing what we're doing for now. It helps ease doubt a little. There's always the concern that maybe there is something better, or maybe we should be doing more. But both Randy and I are convinced that this is not a "something better" that we should pursue now.

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