Monday, September 14, 2009


About a year ago there was a comic in the newspaper in which a little girl came to her mother and said that she couldn't find her pencil sharpener. The mother said, "Did you look in the desk?" "No." "Did you look in your backpack?" "No." "Did you look in your room?" "No." Exasperated, the little girl said, "I didn't say I looked for it, I just said that I couldn't find it!"

I couldn't help but see the spiritual connection: How many times do I cry out, "Where are you God?" when I haven't even bothered looking for him. We have a Bible study leader who begins each class by asking us to share with each other where we have seen God during the previous week. I never really thought about that because I had always been taught that God is everywhere, so why should you look for him? Of course he is right there. But my life started changing when I purposefully looked for God to see where he was working. The more I looked, the more I saw. And the more I saw, the more encouraged I was. God doesn't just exist, He works. And when He works, it's awesome!

Let me tell you that the first time I "saw" God I was driving with a screaming baby Travis and I turned the corner and saw the most beautiful sunset. There just aren't a lot a beautiful sunsets in this part of Texas, and having children, I don't find myself out of the house around dusk very often, so this was beyond special. Nature is one of the simplest ways for me to see God, since he created all of the beauty that surrounds us. There's something about the display of colors, patterns, scents, and designs that cannot be boiled down to chance. They reflect a Color-creator, Pattern-maker, and loving Designer.

I told you that I had been working on a schedule for our family. When I made a list of all the things we need to do each week, I seem to run out of time before I run out of tasks. Some days seem worse than others, just like I am sure you feel sometimes. But sometimes tasks seem to be accomplished in less time than I would have anticipated, leaving me less harried and not so short with the boys. That is a time that I see God. I know that God has to be working along side of me, washing dishes (see previous post...) cleaning toilets (I live with boys!) and preparing meals. And I know that in doing those things I am honoring God, so I am happy to be doing them.

God answers prayers in crazy ways sometimes, and if I don't look for those unusual answers, I can miss them. When I wanted more family time, he planned our staycation this summer. It wasn't our plan, but it was God's plan, and it worked out so well. I was looking for some time for planning and time alone with Him, and he arranged my work schedule to have nice layovers for us to spend together. Not what i would have thought, but again, so perfect! A friend mentioned that she likes to go through the listing of Bible study offerings to see what she wants to study. Now she says that it seems like it's more of what God wants to teach her.

I certainly would never say that I see everything God wants me to see. That's become part of my prayers: to see God in whatever place, working in whatever way, heading whatever direction he wants me to see. It's a lofty goal, so I am just grateful for the glimpses I receive. I am a work in progress!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

wow. thank you so much for this reminder. being a working-stay at home mom, I don't get out as much as I would like to bible studies and such. I'm still working on scheduling. I need to start looking for God. Sometimes the walls of this house seem to squeeze the life out of me and my patience is as short as the time I seem to have to do everything. My frustrations have been running very high with Rylen and I always find that when I stop the rat race of the day for even a moment, that Rylen is a much happier boy and so am I. I don't think God meant for us to be in such a frenzy all the time. Anyway, this week i will work on looking for God in my daily life. I know he is there and I know he wants me to search for him.