Thursday, December 16, 2010

DS Clinic - Take 5

Yesterday was our semi-annual trip to the DS Clinic.  It was a fun Justin and Mommy trip that doesn't involve any poking, prodding, or needles.  It's definitely Justin's favorite doctor (is it right to have a fav?)

We had evaluations from the doctor, PT, and Speech.  And Justin wowed them right off the bat.  The doctor and speech therapist came in and commented on Justin's cool haircut and he did the sign for "Daddy".  I interpreted and said that Daddy had cut his hair.  Reaction:  impressed eyebrow raises.  Score one for Justin!

Speech worked with Justin while the doctor asked about his medical history since our last visit.  I filled her in on our trips to the ER, the sleep study, and endochrin.  Meanwhile, the speech therapist held up a ball and a banana and asked Justin which one you throw and he correctly chose the ball.  Knocked my socks off!  Then he grabbed the banana and tried to peel it.  Not very successfully given that it was plastic.

Justin did all his signs like a pro and both the doctor and the speech therapist were beyond impressed with his progress.  Justin went toe to toe with her on everything she threw his way.  She said that last time he only had about 5 words/signs and now he has close to 25.  And he is doing great with imitation.  He is trying more to communicate.  He is showing interest and curiosity.  He is communicating in jargon and really making his wishes known.  Score two!

The doctor worked on OT things.  She dumped out a cup of blocks and he responded by putting them all back in.  Check!  He stacked blocks (his least favorite activity) and he put them in a line and pushed them like a train after the doctor showed him how.  Lost my socks again!  He didn't do very well with the shape sorter.  He did the circle (easy-peasey) and put the square and triangle in the right place, but not all the way in.  Then she flipped it around and he put the shapes in the original places (prior to the flip).  He doesn't really like this activity very much, but he is doing great with twisting the pieces around until they are lined up to fit in.  He just doesn't finish it by putting them all the way in.

The best was when the doctor got out her card of pictures and asked Justin to point to different things.  This is something new that she hadn't ever shown to Justin.  He showed her the dog and then she asked about the house, which is not something we have worked on much yet.  Then she showed him some hard pictures like a clock, a book (the only thing I think he knew) and a few other things.  But Justin amazed me again!  She pointed to the clock and asked what it was and he said "ock"!  No kidding!  Another eyebrow raise followed by a prolonged "VVVery good!"  Since I was without socks, my buttons were bursting!

They said we should start seeing/hearing some multiple-word combinations and he should continue to follow two-step commands (pick up your toy and put it in the basket).  They put him at about 21-24 months of age in progress.  I was pleased!

Then came the PT.  We haven't seen her in about a year because we only get PT or OT each visit.  She liked his walking but noted he still pronates and curls his toes when walking without shoes.  She asked if we are working on walking up stairs or climbing the slide and I said that we don't climb the slide (Duh!  Has she never been to the park with kids before??) and he is too unsteady to walk up the stairs.  She really wants him to be standing on one foot and hopping/jumping.  I was thinking that Travis still struggles with those things.  And I guess since the space was so small she couldn't see that he still needs more balance before he goes on to kicking a ball.  She has always been one to be disappointed with his skills and expect more.  I remember when Justin just started crawling before one of our visits and she was expecting him to be pulling up and cruising.  So I always take her words with more than one grain of salt.  I am not bothered as much anymore.  Justin did get in a zinger though.  She asked him if he could stand on one foot and he promptly leaned over, put his hands on the floor and picked up one foot.  Score three for Justin!

1 comment:

Kelsey said...

Go Justin! I love the stand on one foot story. That boy cracks me up. I'm still chuckling thinking of him at lunch last week when the other kids got up to get their ice cream leaving him to finish his lunch. Who needs words when arms crossed defiantly across the chest and a loud "Hmph!" gets the point across just as well, if not better?