Friday, December 17, 2010

Bass Pro Shop

Me-Me and Pop took Travis to the Bass Pro Shop yesterday.  It seems to hold some kind of mystique for Travis.  He loves wearing his shirt from Pass Pro Shop and he often asks when he is going to get to go again.  When we learned that Santa was going to be there this holiday season, I very enthusiastically agreed to Me-Me and Pop's request that they take both boys for 2 reasons:  an opportunity for unassisted Christmas shopping and a free Santa picture!  Between illnesses and timing issues, it didn't work out when it was originally planned, but they still wanted to go, so yesterday it was!  Travis had so much fun playing all the shooting games, seeing the "animals", touring the fishing boats, and visiting Santa.  Me-Me and Pop didn't make it out without one little purchase for the boys: matching fishing hats.  Justin loves his hat!  It's his first hat and he enjoys being just like brother.  Since then he has been wearing it all the time.  So sweet!

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