Thursday, April 9, 2009

Uncle Jerry

My sister's fiance is Jerry. I have wanted to post some of these pictures, and it turns out that Jerry happens to be the theme, so here it goes: Jerry loves the boys so much! Travis enjoys talking with him on the phone, and Justin tolerates him. (The same way he tolerates just about anyone else in his life!) Jerry has been involved in many aspects of Justin's life and growth, maybe not always by choice, but he has played along so well!

He has helped Justin get ready for bed:

Do his hair:

Feed him:

And of course, play with him!

This is one of the best pictures of Justin! He is happy and clapping so I love it! We will miss them when they are gone, but I know they will visit for the boys. And thank God for technology! Distances are so much shorter than they ever were in the past.

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