Sunday, August 31, 2008

Back to Work

So we made it! I made it through work, and Justin ate some, and both my mom and Randy are still speaking to me. A true success I would say! With everyone posting pictures of kids starting and returning to school, I almost feel like I should have a picture of me all ready to go to work, but don't worry, I will spare you! I know it's all about the kids!

It was a joint effort I understand. It took both mom and Randy to get a little bit into Justin. They used the trick we used with Travis of bouncing on the yoga ball while holding the bottle to feed him. So Randy held Justin and bounced on the ball and patted his bottom while my mom held the bottle and tried to get him to eat. He did eat some, but mostly he got some milk and let it run out the sides of his mouth. But he wasn't overly fussy and he wasn't overly crabby, so I think it will work. I don't plan on leaving any more than necessary, but now I don't have to spend the whole day worrying about him. And just to make sure I felt at home, we had a baby on the airplane who cried most of the way home from Tegucigalpa. I also flew with a great crew who helped me work out the kinks and helped get me back into the grove. So now I am done for the month and I can be here for Justin. God is so good and I know that he watches over our family the same when we are apart and when we are together.

1 comment:

D'Lyn said...

I don't know about pictures of you ready for work, but I want to see video of Randy bouncing on the yoga ball while your mom manages the bottle!