Monday, May 3, 2010

April Follow-Up/ May Prayer Requests

Is April really over? I cannot believe how fast it went. It was a good month for us, and I hope it was for you too. I love what God is teaching me and this month seems to have been filled with lessons, both practical and eternal, and I am falling in love with my family over and over.

April Follow-Up:

  • Travis thumb-sucking: Well, this one needs more prayers. We had almost gotten over his sticking his finger in his nose while sucking his thumb, but now it is back. With a vengance. And he does NOT like us catching him. He hauls off and tries to hit whoever tells him to stop. That would usually be me...
  • Window install: Yeah! Fairly painless, but more to go. We still have the screens that were damaged and the first set to reinstall, so it's not over yet!
  • Justin's walking: He pulls himself up ALL the time now, so I am in a whole new mode of keeping things out of reach. The couch used to be safe, but not anymore! He cna't get up by himself, but he screams until someone helps him up. And we visited a new Chick-fil-A last week and I discovered that their play area is no longer Justin-proof. You know those climbing structures with the triangle steps to climb? Yeah, while I was finishing my chicken sandwich he waved to me from the top level! The top! I nearly choked as I calmly made my way up to rescue him as he was blocking the top of the slide. He was pretty proud of himself.

May Requests:

  • Justin's orthotics: He should get them by the end of the month. I pray that they are an easy transition and that they correct the knee hyperextension without the HEKO brace.
  • My job: I have shared that I am a flight attendant, but I never said with which airline. Well, now it's a different one. Please pray that the transition goes well. We are all scared about losing our jobs and for those who still have jobs, there is the fear of change. I pray that whatever the change is that I would look for God's will in it and that I would trust his plan for our future.
  • Justin's sleep: He is just not getting rest, no matter how long he is in his bed and quiet. I don't know how to help him. It has been more than a month. He told Miss Yvonne this morning in therapy that he was all done with everything she wanted to do and he yawned all through the session. He needs to be held all day long and he is getting heavy!

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