Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Another Visit to the Cardiologist

We were back to cardiology today. Just a check-up, and nothing was out of the ordinary (for Justin). His heart is normal sized, his EKG reads normal and his heart sounds like it should (given his slight lack of cooperation- he is 16 months old and not fond of people messing with him, and screaming and trying to listen to heartbeats don't go together well). The doctor decided we can now wait 9 months before another visit, and that we don't need another echo unless she hears or sees something unusual. Justin is at the age of needing to be sedated for an echo, and she doesn't like doing that if it can be avoided. I totally agree, but I am slightly concerned that we never heard anything before the original echo that showed massive holes that needed surgery quickly. She saw my concern and agreed to schedule an echo, but she would listen first and if she doesn't hear anything, we'll forgo the additional tests. I am good with that, given that I know we will take another peek when he can sit still long enough to get some good pictures in the echo.

1 comment:

Amy Mac said...

We were there too today! We saw the doctor at 11:00. Glad Justin checked out well! When Jake was that age, the EKG was a challenge too :)