Sunday, November 28, 2010

Croup - Part 2

Oh yes, it's back!  But this time it's Travis.  I am not sure how we avoided it until now, but now they both have had the experience.  At least no ER this time.  We're pretty sure if we went back to the ER they would have laughed at us!  Instead, we went to the doctor and while we were waiting we saw a millipede walk across the floor.  The boys and I all got down on the floor and watched it walk around. While we were checking him out, a doctor walked by and asked if we wanted to take him home with us.  Sure we would!  So she punched holes in a urine specimen container and we put our little treasure inside.  Just what you want as a souvenir from the doctor's office.  Oh, and a diagnosis of croup with a prescription for steroids.

After some foibles with the new electronic prescription system at the pharmacy, we made it home and settled in for some healing snuggles.  He has had a couple days of fever off and on and lots of coughing, but I think he is on the mend.  Now we have to pray that Justin doesn't get it back!  And we had to make my mom move out so she doesn't get sick with her chemo treatments.  This is a whole new set of circumstances with the boys and my mom.  It's a tough time of year to stay healthy, but we really need it for all of us. 

1 comment:

Kelsey said...

Yuck. So sorry he's sick. Praying you all stay well! Robert's turned out to be a massive ear infection by the way.