Thursday, April 15, 2010


Here's some of what has been happening around our house:

  • We have been working! The last of our windows were installed last week, but don't think that's the end... One of the screen was ripped, requiring another one to be ordered. And the screen from the first set of windows that had to be ordered twice and took 2 hours to install after some fixes were needed? Yeah, it turns out that one was made wrong so they need to order another one and then reinstall again. Plus (this just keeps getting better, I tell you!) they didn't insulate the first set of windows well enough so they are going to pull them all out to add more insulation! Oh yeah, this is going to be fun.

  • Justin spends more and more time every day on his feet. He pops up with no problem now. I can tell him to stand up, and he does. This morning he wanted to get into the tub of blocks and he was on one knee with one foot up and I told him to stand up, and so he just pulled himself up the rest of the way! Then he could get all the blocks he wanted.

And I was trying to take pictures of Justin, but Travis got in this one and I just had to share Travis' work outfit. His fire boots, tool belt, drill, and his name tag from VBS last summer. You can't see his face in this picture so I will just have to tell you that he is wearing his miner hat with the light and his hard hat on top of that. It's beyond funny!

  • Justin loves to bear crawl. This is from when we took bluebonnet pictures, and this was him going after the rock you see in the background. This really shows how pronates his feet are when he walks, and that is why the visit to the orthopedic.

  • Justin was reassessed yesterday at OT using the Peabody scale (I think that's what it's called). There are a list of skills and then the child gets either a "0" for not being able to do it at all, a "1" for doing it partially, and a "2" for doing it completely. It has been 6 months since we began OT and thus the re-eval. She didn't finish because he wasn't totally cooperative, but there were lots of things that were 0s and 1s and now he gets 2s, plus he's moving into new skills that she didn't even evaluate before and he can do them great! He can stack blocks 4 high (Getting them lined up to balance is the challenge, although the tempatation to knock them over is big too!), he can color (using the right amount of pressure) he can string beads and put them on a post. For some reason, there seems to be a large gap in age before the next set of skills, so he is no where near those yet (like buttoning a button- Travis can't even do that yet! Boy's clothes don't have a lot of buttons; we are working on that though...) She should finish the assessment next week. He should do great!

  • I have lived in Texas for more than 15 years now and every year I am more aware of the culture gap between here and Wsconsin. I never "fix to" do anything. I park in a stall, and I call my friends with "Hey, you guys!" Ya'll just isn't going to happen. I drink soda, and water from a bubbler. But this morning my son said, "We're fixin' to go fishing next month, me and Pop." I chuckled and then heaved a deep sigh. Both of my sons are Texans, which makes me the misfit of our family. Randy already laughs at me. How long before Travis does too? And then Justin? I need another cat! Or maybe just a visit to the motherland would do me some good.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ok so I have been keeping up with your posts I just haven't had the time to comment- love all the pics and Travis cracks me up- I swear everytime I see a pic of him dressed in one of "his outfits" I make Jeff come and look- boys are awesome! Justin holy moly he is amazing- I can't believe he is pulling up on his own and doing so well at OT or PT I don't remember which one you said did the re-evaluation and sadly I just read it a minute ago. I don't know if I told you but I have been working with a little boy who is 20 mos and has a diagnosis of DS he has really shown some serious progress in the last few mos but not nearly like your big boy- I am so proud of him and of you for being such an encourager and advocate for him - Mommy will do whatever it takes to make sure our kids are successful right?! Love and miss you guys and hope to see you when we come in May for Kevin's graduation- yes, Kevin - he was 4 when we got married. Does that mean we are getting old? No way!