Thursday, April 1, 2010

March Prayer Request Follow Up/ April Requests

Another month has passed! It's so hard to believe how quickly time goes by! Here's where we stand:
  1. Justin's constipation: Improving, but slowly. We have made a few more changes, but we haven't found the "magic" cure yet. We went out to eat for Mommy/Justin day and he screamed off and on for most of the meal. Since it wasn't McDonald's, it was difficult to put up with the stares. He is eating more veggies- he discovered dipping. Anything that can "dip" is okay to be eaten. He loves carrots, and he even dipped his chips in the meat/salsa mixture I created out of the mexican meatloaf we had for dinner. He liked it!

  2. We survived the dentist. Justin did fine. He screamed and the dentist was able to look at his teeth. I was worried because Justin's upper teeth appear to overlap and his bottom teeth are very spaced out. The dentist said that the lower teeth are gaping because Justin hangs out his tongue and pushes them out. The upper teeth are pulled together because of thumb-sucking. So competing conditions cause the odd look. He didn't seem too worried yet. Travis was another story. He at least opened his mouth and let the dentist look inside, but that's about it. He sucks his thumb too, and that is more of a problem for him. Randy has bad teeth, large teeth and a small mouth, and Travis has that too. The thumb-sucking isn't helping. We are trying to cut down on that, so that's one of our prayer issues for April.

April requests:

  1. Travis' thumb-sucking: We are trying to cut down on this so he only sucks at night. So far, not so good. We have a penny system in which he has to sacrifice a penny every time we catch him with any other finger in his mouth, and we will slowly work our way up to getting the thumb out too. We have a book about a little bear who sucked him thumb and how a dragon helped him stop. Travis enjoys the book, so now we have to try the method.

  2. The rest of our windows have arrived and this week is the big install. We pray that it only takes the three days it is supposed to take without any lengthy drag-out. Randy is taking the time off of work (and I am going to work) so we really hope it doesn't take too long.

  3. Justin is really making lots of progress in pulling himself up. The next step is, well, taking steps. He lifts his leg to climb stairs, so we know he can balance on one foot, but he needs to learn about shifting his weight.

Thank you all. We are so blessed to have people praying for us!

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