Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Lessons Learned

Our spring Bible study has come to a close and I am feeling a profound sense of loss. What will I do on Tuesday mornings? Okay, there is plenty, but still. We have had the best teacher this spring, Cassandra Martin, teaching her own study on Elijah and Elisha. She often begins each class with her trademark question, "Where did you see God today?"

She considers it to be the most important of all questions. If we are looking for Jesus, we will find him. If we find him, we will encounter him. If we encounter him, we are changed. If we are changed, others will see the change. They will then begin their own journey of seeking Jesus. It is amazing the lives that can be impacted by one life. That's what God promises. Jesus' one life changed one life at a time and began the changing of lives forever.

Cassandra challenged us to think of a time that we saw God and then to think of what we learned through that experience. I had been thinking about Justin's surgery and the hurricane and so that popped right to the front of my mind. I came up with 8 lessons that I can say that God taught me (or reinforced! Sometimes it takes several times for lessons to sink in!)
  1. God's timing is perfect. Justin's surgery was rescheduled twice, each time for someone sicker than Justin to take his place. The second bump was at the door of the OR after a miscommunication required us to delay the start of surgery. While disappointing, it was clearly God's hand as the OR was available for a child with a life-threatening emergency. And Justin was not too sick to wait. And I wouldn't have asked to be in the hospital during Hurricane Ike, but if someone had to be there, it was okay for us. God took care of everything so all our family would be safe and Justin could heal.
  2. God's planning begins WAY before ours. We called home Thursday morning with the list of things for my mom and sister to do to prepare our house for the storm. But God started his list for us before the beginning of time. He arranged for our food, water, clothing, and communication at the hospital. He provided for Travis, my mom and sister refuge and peace during the storm so no one would be scared or worried. They all slept through it! And God arranged for power to be restored quickly to their shelter (the TD family) so I could get messages from them and they could house our deep freeze and I wouldn't lose my frozen breast milk!
  3. Look at God and the problem doesn't seem so big. There were many times during the time we were in the hospital and then homeless while we waited for power to be restored to our home that I would look at everything around me and my chest would tighten. Literally! Looking at our surroundings and at Justin so small in the bed so big would scare me. But just looking up and remembering who is in charge of every step of the process calmed me and reminded me that God is bigger than the storm we were facing.
  4. God uses his people to do his work. This one still makes me smile as I remember all the people who ran errands for us and brought us food and cleaned our yards and housed us. God knew exactly what we needed and he provided for us through his people. I want to make sure that I am available when he calls me into service for him!
  5. God gives us rest. We slept in at least 6 different beds during the hospital stay and our subsequent homeless journey. Even during times of stress and worry, we were able to sleep. In crazy positions sometimes! But still comforting and peaceful knowing there was nothing else I needed to do but hold my baby or make a call for someone to know we were okay. Taking us out of our ordinary routines allowed us to focus on Justin's healing rather than on cleaning the bathroom.
  6. God takes care of the details. God even made a way for Randy and me to be together during our anniversary! He saved my breast milk. He provided gas so we could see Travis as soon as they reopened the hospital. He made sure we had laundry soap to wash our clothes.
  7. Share what you learn/share your story. This kind of surprised me. Not long after we settled back in after all our adventures I received a call from a friend who had a foster baby going through heart surgery in another city. I was able to talk her through the process and she could see our pictures and know what to expect. She received rave reviews from the nurses who were impressed by her preparation and comfort during the experience. She laughed when she told me and then said, "We know what's really behind all that wisdom, don't we?!" And I am happy to share the marvelous way God worked for us and how he wants to work for you!
  8. There is peace in the middle of the storm. I do not have to be consumed by worry. I do not have to see only the obstacles. I have the choice to look at the problem or to look at God. I stood looking out of the window at TCH during the storm and it was bad, but I knew my God was greater. Choosing God meant I could look through the storm and know that I was in the perfect place because God was holding me in his arms. During surgery when I was waiting to see Justin I knew that God was taking care of him even better than I ever would. I struggle with always making the choice to look out or look up, but I hope to get better with practice!

The purpose in thinking of these lessons is to share with subsequent generations. I need to remember what I have learned so I can teach others. And there is nothing more powerful than a story! Travis remembers visiting the hospital and seeing Justin. I can try to wipe away that memory or I can boost it up with the ways that I saw God working while in the hospital. The Bible is full of times that God's faithfulness is recounted for other hearers. It gives Travis an incredible testimony to share to his kids. The way God plans things, too cool. Sometimes it just takes me a while to catch on!

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