Friday, January 1, 2010

Not the Happiest of New Years

I had to work today, so Randy and the boys were home alone. They usually do very well together, but things went downhill quickly today at lunchtime. Randy made mac and cheese, and Travis wanted to help. Randy warned him about the hot stove, but Travis didn't quite understand and he placed his hand flat on the radiant stove burner. Ouch! He burned several of the pads of his fingers and parts of his palm. This is what I came home to:

Travis was in good spirits, but I heard that it wasn't always that way. He was fairly inconsolable, and Justin is quite a sympathy crier, so he launched in to a good harmony with Travis. Somehow he calmed Travis, but only slightly, and put aloe and a few other things on the burns. Travis decided that mac and cheese would not be good thing for him to eat, so Randy made him a sandwich. Randy got Justin to nap and then was still trying to get Travis to eat. That never really happened, so after about an hour of on and off wailing, Randy decided that he needed reinforcements and he called a friend whose daughter had been burned a couple of years ago and she came over with her sack of ointments and lotions. She made some major headway in calming Travis. She was fabulous! And her bandage is what Travis had on his hand when I came home. He was much better by that time, and we discovered an inadvertent bonus: Travis is a thumb-sucker and his thumb of choice is you guessed it, his LEFT thumb! He was watching TV and brought his thumb to his mouth and then realized he couldn't suck and said, "Oh, rats!" I love it!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh bless his heart!!! I love his declaration - precious boy! =)