Monday, December 7, 2009

Travis Update

I realized that I haven't shared tidbits about what Travis is doing these days so here it is:

  1. We are ALL about firefighting, firemen, fires, emergencies, and the like. Travis is always pretending that we are firemen going on an emergency whenever we leave the house. We must back our car into the garage like firemen to prepare for an emergency. I am getting much better at this. I think it would be easier if we had a drive-through garage like many fire stations. ;)
  2. Travis asks to feed Justin every once and a while. I got some cute pictures. Justin doesn't seem to mind, as long as the food keeps coming!

  3. Travis is getting better at swimming. He can swim just fine, it's the breathing that is his problem. This week we had a make-up lesson from Thanksgiving, and somehow having 2 lessons in a row helped him do much better the second lesson. He breathed a few times and only drank a little bit. He can do a great starfish, but he doesn't float very well- he wiggles too much!

  4. Travis has advanced to "spitting" toothpaste. Very exciting, I know! It was really just because I ran out of the "swallow" kind and I had a part of a tube of "Cars" toothpaste Travis had wanted earlier and then didn't like. He still doesn't, but he wanted spitting toothpaste, so we went to the store and picked out some watermelon-flavored toothpaste. That is going better, but he likes spitting more than brushing. And I have been cleaning the mirror a bit more often. Go figure.
  5. We made a chain to count down to Christmas. The last chain is red, and the one before that is green. So Travis decided that the green chain will be Christmas, and red one (the last one) will be his birthday. I am not sure what to tell him when he realizes that there are about 35 days between Christmas and his birthday.
  6. He is for sure ready for his birthday though! Maybe more than Christmas. He has been inviting everyone to his "big, big BIG firetruck birthday party!" Even my work friend who we ran into at the dentist. I hope he doesn't notice when she is not there...


Unknown said...

That is too funny about the spitting thing- Jaxon finally got the spitting thing and now wants to "brush his teeth like daddy" - he wants to spit 2-3 times which means 2-3 helpings of toothpaste- we are still working on that one. So, should we know call you "firemommy"?!

Danielle said...

Actually, I am "Fireman Mommy". And Travis is "Fireman Travis" and Justin is a Baby Fireman. Daddy is the Fire Chief.