Friday, July 24, 2009

More Speech Therapy

Okay, I just have to confess that I am fascinated by Justin's new speech therapist and her techniques. It's so different from anything I have ever seen. Now that Travis doesn't go to therapy, I was able to catch some pictures of Miss Char in action.

They both chew on strawberry teethers and make sounds. She starts imitating him, and then tries to change it a little to get him to follow her. He does it some, but not very often yet.

She has a mirror for him to watch himself. He likes watching himself chew on the table. I don't think that's what she was intending for him to watch!

She has flexible tubing that she lets him chew and then she pulls down a bit to strengthen his jaw. Then Justin likes to stick his tongue under and she pulls down on his tongue. That is even funnier than this! She saw that Justin did some mid-tongue retractions (like cupping his tongue). That leads to making sounds that use the tip on the tongue touching the top of the mouth (like "l"). She gets so excited when he does something like that, and I feel a little slow on the uptake. I just follow along, kind of like Justin does!

Justin plays along very well. I think Miss Char is good at adapting and letting him take the lead so she is not forcing him to do something he really doesn't like. Teething sometimes helps because he is so willing to put things in his mouth. And she uses flavor sprays, frozen teething toys, and vibration tools to make it more interesting. I even got my own tubing so we can play imitation games at home!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So cool! That stuff fascinates me. These are the kinds of things that they should show kids who are looking for fields to go in to. They don't really show all the cool options out there. I mean when you say speech therapy, you kind of yawn. But when you see it in action it is so very cool and interesting!