Friday, October 24, 2008


Yes, we're out. Since Tuesday we have been free, and we celebrated by going to Ladies' Bible Class at church. We only stayed for part of the class because Justin had his therapy appointment, but it was a good introduction to the outside world. Travis did not want to leave; he was having so much fun. I am so glad that he enjoys his class, and playing with his friends. So that was our first venture out. It took another 2 days for me to go out again because we had car trouble this week. Randy's car was misbehaving and he needed the other car, so no outings for us. Then Thursday I did I, I Target. Yes, that was my first real venture into the germy world, and so far, we're all good. It was actually kind of funny because I hadn't been shopping with both boys in so long I forgot how. Where do I put 2 boys in a cart? I had never done this before, Justin was always small enough to ride in the sling, and I forgot it because, well, we hadn't needed it in about 2 months. So where do I put him? He is one who likes to fling himself forward at random times. And who is nowhere close to sitting up on his own. They both ended up in the seat of the cart, with the shopping cart cover over every inch of the seat. Both of the boys are HUGE thumb suckers, so everything they touch ends up in their mouths. Justin fell over on Travis a few times, and Travis screamed that Justin was crowding him, but I still think it was okay. We will learn. I am going to Wal-mart tomorrow. I am kind of excited. Really.

Justin moved on to peas tonight. I am going to the grocery store tomorrow to buy some produce to prepare for him, like I did for Travis. Like a friend mentioned, it's the perfect time of year for making baby food, because so much of the good stuff is in season: sweet potatoes, winter sqaush, apples, and pears. Justin liked the peas so much he grabbed the spoon and sucked it clean, along with his thumb.

And last week, Travis started asking to read the paper along with Daddy when he eats breakfast. So I HAD to take a picture. Eating cereal and reading the paper. Daddy has Sports and Travis has the Business section. Do you think he's watching the market to make sure we don't lose his college fund?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love the daddy & son bonding. TOO CUTE!