Thursday, March 7, 2013

Nine Months

Well, she's almost there!  Only three more months to complete the first year.  She is just as precious as ever and getting into everything.  She is definitely mobile!  Alaina can crawl and pull up and she is even starting to cruise a little bit.  The gates are back up at the stairs and the boys are getting better at keeping their toys off the floor.  It only took a few pages getting ripped out of books before we learned our lesson.  She is still all mama's girl and she can curl that lower lip over quite a bit to show her displeasure!  She loves all the food I have made, but I am not sure where she is putting it all since she is still a petite little girl.  She still has 4 teeth but several are really trying to make an appearance.  She is definitely lots of fun and the time is going so quickly.
One more highlight of the past month:
Alaina scored her first sticker from therapy!  Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles of course! 

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