Monday, June 4, 2012

She's Here!

I know, you were all beginning to wonder if she would ever arrive.  Oh wait, that was just me.

Things finally kicked into gear Saturday night and she made her appearance Sunday morning.  Her name is Alaina Nicole and she is beautiful.  Her birth went perfectly too, except for the whole pain thing.  I do not want to experience anything more painful than childbirth.  Ever.  Is it right to pray that?  Okay, you women know what I mean so I'll just move on.

My mom has been here waiting for baby to arrive for nearly two weeks.  She was so very good about not making me feel badly for not giving birth sooner, even though our friend offered to get things going with the trigger point massage.  Randy kept telling me that this weekend would be good and as Saturday wore down I was wondering if I would ever go into labor.  The pressure was on, and then the pain started.  Of course, my mom had decided to go to her cousin's grandson's high school graduation (in Katy) and so she wasn't planning to spend the night at our house.  Randy wasn't wanting to call her and ask her to come home, just in case things slowed down, but after a couple of hours (of him sleeping and me hoping things would progress because it was starting to get fairly painful) I made him call her.

Then it was more walking and more contractions until Randy called our doula.  She said that she could meet us at the birth center and help us make some more progress until she needed to call the midwife.  That sounded good to me, so we went in around 4:30 am.

When we got there we settled right in and I began walking laps around the birth center.  I think you can see the path I wore in the floor.  I am in awe of women who can lay in bed and have a baby without moving around.  I was walking pretty fast because you know, if you move quickly enough you can outrun the pain.   (I wish...)  Randy and the doula were talking and laughing.  I wasn't sure how anything could be funny at a time like that, but I wasn't stopping to ask.  Our doula asked me to lay down for three contractions so they could monitor the baby and check me.  I dilate very slowly, so I was just hoping that I was at least a 5, which I wasn't, but I was 90% effaced, which they tried to convince me was even better than being dilated.  If they had told me that before labor, maybe I would have believed them but the magical "10 cm" is so drilled into pregnant women that no other numbers mattered at that time.

I have no concept of time after arriving at the birth center, so when I finally did get in the tub, all I could think about was "no more contractions without a baby".  With Travis I had back labor, which was brutal, and Justin was regular painful labor (I think the easiest- isn't God so smart for planning it that way?) and Alaina was both.  That is not right.  So no position was comfortable in the tub and I just wanted her out.  I am glad Randy was there to see all the sweet touchy feely stuff and the doula was there to take pictures so later, after the pain, I could pretend that I enjoyed it all too.
And you know what?  Every snuggle, every smile, every little grasp of my finger, every sigh makes it all go away.

I mean, how could this face just not make you melt?

After she was born, we were able to bask in the moment and enjoy our new daughter.  She was technically "late" but she seemed right on time by her look.  Randy was able to hold her and get some Daddy-daughter bonding time while I got cleaned up.

She is perfectly made by God just the way he planned her to be.

We called home and had my mom and the boys come up and meet their new granddaughter and sister.  Travis loved her and wanted to hold her right away.  He has been wanting to be one of the first for a long time.  He did so well!

Justin did great too.  I cannot tell you how much I love this picture.  I hope Alaina treasures it as much as I do.  He has done well saying her name.  He calls her "Laina". 

The guys were doing "This Little Piggy" with her fingers.  It has been one of Justin's favorite games lately.  He can say "Wee, wee, wee, home!"  He does it with all fingers and toes.  He's not particular!

Our family of five!

After the boys' visit, Alaina and I got cleaned up one more time and she got dressed to go home.  That was emotional for me because it was when Randy dressed Justin that he felt like he knew that Justin had Down syndrome.  At various times throughout the morning, Randy had peaked at Alaina's hands and feet and ears to see if he saw the markers for DS that we have come to recognize in Justin.  He didn't see anything unusual and neither did I.  We didn't go through any of the prenatal tests because it wouldn't have changed our decision to go ahead with the pregnancy.  We did opt for an ultrasound to check for general abnormalities that could have been markers of something more serious and we would have followed up if something had been detected then.  It's hard to describe the emotions that go along with regular childbirth, and the little voice causing worry and doubt was difficult to ignore the entire nine months.  Early on in my pregnancy I was reminded very forcefully of the quote by Jim Elliot that says, “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose.”  That is what I held onto for Alaina.  When she was very tiny I gave her to God, and then I did it again and again throughout the nine months.  It's something I need to do for all my children because there is no amount of strength or wisdom or security by me that will guarantee their entry into heaven.  It's only by giving them up that God can take control.  It's hard for me, but I know that's his way.  And his way is the best.

We were on our way home not long after that and we had a reception from Pop, Me-Me, Nana and the boys when we arrived.  Pop and Me-Me were anxious to meet Alaina and get in some cuddle time.

Travis did not want to leave us at the birth center and he met us out in the driveway when we got home.  He wanted to hold Alaina again!  He is turning out to be a great big brother!  I really had no doubt.

Then it was time for naps.  The guys settled in together and took a long nap.  Alaina got a good rest after her tough morning journey and I took a few cat naps throughout the day.  It was a good first day with our family of five.  Lots more exciting times to come I am sure.  Randy gets to be home with us for a couple of weeks which will be tons of fun for us all, though I am sure it will go by quickly. 

Happy Birthday Alaina!  Welcome to our family!  We are so happy you are here!


Wendy said...

I love the picture of Justin and 'Laina. Brought tears to my eyes. Also love that Travis is wearing his yellow boots in his picture with her. What a precious family!

~Erin said...

Congratulations!!! Great story, and I love the wisdom in your words. Thanks for sharing :)

Amy said...

Congratulations! So happy she's here :) She's beautiful!

Danielle said...


That has been everyone's favorite picture! It is very precious. And Travis' boots so make that picture perfect for him! So much love! Thank you!

Shellie said...

I am in tears! Tears of Joy! Congrats! Love love love the name! Blessings to your beauti-FULL Family!