Monday, June 24, 2013

Trip to Arizona: Part 1

The end of June brought another big family birthday:  My dad's 70th.  There was a big party planned for him in Arizona so the kids and I headed to the desert for some celebrating.  Unfortunately Randy had a big project at work going on and he needed to work all weekend.  So it was me and the gang.  We had a whole slew of events for the big party, but in between I managed to fit in a little visit to a friend. 
Marla and I were suite mates in college and we have stayed in touch ever since.  In college, she and I went to breakfast every morning before the sun was up.  I taught her how to crochet and now she creates beautiful masterpieces.  I don't get to see her near enough, so I have to take advantage of whatever chance I get.  She moved to Arizona several years ago and the last time I saw her was the last time I went to AZ four years ago.  So we had a lot of catching up to do.  I got to meet her daughter Hailey, who was born about a week after I last saw her.  I missed her husband, Rob, and middle son, Preston, but the rest of my gang had a great time visiting with Benjamin and Hailey.  I love how no matter how much time passes between our calls or visits, we are still connected in our hearts.  She knew just the things to say to encourage me.  She played every board game she owned with Justin and Travis.  She filled my belly and my spirit.  It was just what I needed.

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