Saturday, September 25, 2010

A Few Things

  • Justin had a GREAT day in therapy today.  He stacked five small blocks without any problems.  Miss Caroline just told him to put it right on top and he did it!  He even took steps for her and she was so excited.  We found a plastic bottle with a large screw top and Justin did great opening and closing it for her.  He is doing the twisting motion so much better.  He works with the large puzzles with shapes and she encourages him to twist the pieces until they fit and he does it so well.  Miss Caroline was so thrilled to tell me how well he did.
  • My IT person (Randy :) found the source of our internet problems.  He spent 2 1/2 hours on the phone with tech support to get out new router working and then we kept losing the signal and he finally discovered the problem: the video monitor in Justin's room.  Go figure!  So annoying but glad the mystery is solved!
  • We have been spending LOTS of time at the doctor's lately as we face my mom's breast cancer.  It's one of those things you don't think about having to do, but it is consuming when you do.  I have drunk more coffee lately than ever before in my life.  I am back to "delegating" tasks:  I paid for someone to clean my house and mow our lawn.  We joked this week and Randy and I spend more time in the Med Center than we do at home some days.  Sadly true.
  • Justin is up to 6 steps at a time!  He can stand up holding on to something and then walk with it.  That's actually when he does the best because he is focused on a task.  His favorites are books; he likes to pick them up and bring them to us to read.  I think he is developing the same love of reading as Travis, with a much shorter attention span!
  • Justin is learning new words in sign language now and he is using them more and more without being prompted.  But we are now trying to get him to use his mouth to talk.  He has said the word "up" so we try to get him to say that when he wants to be held (often!)  We say "use your mouth to tell me" and he then proceeds to stick out his tongue!  Still working through that one...
  • Justin moved up into the next class at church and he is doing remarkably well!  He participates and sings and knows what is coming next.  His favorites include "This Little Light of Mine" and when they are given Bibles to look at the picture of baby Jesus and then they show how to care for their Bibles (not ripping or bending the pages).  Justin loves to hold his Bible to his face and show it a little affection!
  • We are trying to get our house painted before the winter (barely feels like fall, but...).  Having the windows installed means new trim that needs to be painted to be protected.  The back door of our house has several stripes from color choices, but nothing has been the clear favorite.  Okay, we are disagreeing.  We each have our favorite and we cannot agree.  Everyone we have asked has been so helpful too.  Of all the color choices, they say "Well, I like either one of these" and point to our two pet colors.  We still can only use one!
  • We are excited to hear that the boys will be getting a cousin next year right after Justin's birthday in April!  My sister is pregnant and due the end of April!  Travis wants a girl since we already have so many boys.  We all hope it's girl too!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

We missed Justin in class Sunday! Let me know what words Justin knows in Sign and I will watch for them. He does so well in class!