Thursday, March 4, 2010

February Prayer Request Follow Up/ March Requests

Another month over! They go so fast! And February was a whirlwind with a birthday party, house guests, the women's day at our church, and traveling to TN. A good month though.

February Follow-up:
  • Justin has made huge progress in weight bearing! He is now pulling up straighter, and even getting up on his feet while he is on his hands. At first he would only get onto his feet, but today he started taking a few steps, on all fours. We call it bear crawling, if that helps you picture it better. I did get a few pictures today at the rodeo (future post, I promise!) His therapists are so pleased with him. I was able to watch both OT and PT this week and in OT Miss Caroline said that she is anxious to do his reevaluation because there is so much progress. He stacked 4 blocks for the first time this week. It took him a long time because he was coming down too hard with the blocks and he wasn't getting them lined up enough to make more than 2 balance.

So proud!

  • The Titus 2 day I already shared. It was so fabulous! I really wasn't as nervous as I thought I would be. The last few months I have been wishing it would never come because I didn't think I would be ready, but the last week couldn't go fast enough! And of course, Randy deserves huge praise for being so willing to care for the boys and man the home front. I think I am taking a break for a while!
  • The windows are done! Whew! They finished this month on the 15th and the 19th we went and ordered the rest to finish up the house. We had planned to do a few at a time, but dealing with the installation process has made us only want to have to go through that one more time. And then we will be ready for summer.

March Requests:

  • Justin's constipation problems. Not a pretty subject, but always on our minds here in our home. We really hoped this would be at least lessened by some help from endocrin, but it wasn't to be so we are still trying to work this through. I am already worried about potty training since it is so painful for him I know it's not going to be easy. I am not satisfied with giving him miralax every day, although the pediatrician would be okay with this solution. Now we are using apple juice (just a few ounces a day), prunes, yogurt, and probiotic. I know he doesn't eat enough fiber, so we are trying to address that. His drinking is improving so at least I feel he getting enough liquid. Any other ideas would be welcomed.
  • We are taking both boys to the dentist this month. Travis already told me that he doesn't want to go. And I am not sure how Justin will do at all. At least he will open his mouth when I ask. I suspect he will scream the entire time, which should have the same result!

Thank you all for reading and praying!


pramann13 said...

I use pear juice on the foster babies - seems to work better then apple and easier on the tummy then prune.
Do you know how to give a stomach maggage for constipation? - for some babies (even adults) it gives relief in 15-30 minutes.

Tyler's first visit to the dentist he was sitting in a chair wactching the dentist exam his dad and the dentist asked him "can I look in your mouth and count your teeth" - Tyler responded "no way Jose"!

Unknown said...

My nephew had some pretty severe issues and the pedi told my sister to use kayro syrup in a cup of milk or apple juice or whatever. For some reason it acts better than miralx or whatever. He is 19 now and doesn't remember a thing : )