Saturday, July 14, 2012

Cow Appreciation Day

It was Cow Appreciation Day at Chick-fil-A and if you dressed like a cow you got a free meal.  It also happened to be Meat Day so I couldn't go, but my mom graciously agreed to dress up and take the boys for dinner.  Isn't she a good sport?  Of course, her dairy-farm upbringing came out and we got a lesson in cow breeds.  We learned about Jerseys, Brown Swiss, Guernseys and Holsteins.  (They were dressed as Holsteins, just so you get a lesson too...) 

And Alaina got into the party too, even though she didn't actually eat anything.  Well, maybe if you count second-hand!

Justin was hysterical with his mask!  He couldn't figure out which way was up nor could he find the eye holes so he could see.  Good thing Travis is such a good helper!

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