Saturday, May 7, 2011

Seattle: Can We Make a Baby Come?

When my sister shared the news of her pregancy last fall, we had no idea how it would all work out with my mom's treatments.  My mom had resigned herself not to get to be there and help like she did so wonderfully with both my boys.  But God know what he was doing and it worked out perfectly for my mom to get to travel and be with my sister for Thatcher's arrival.  Of course, no one told Thatcher when we were coming and our trip was postponed slightly due to his tardiness.  The boys and I went to help my mom on the trip. 

Then there wasn't much to do but exercise...

(They had it going at 1 mph and Justin was moving!  He could barely look up without stumbling.  It was beyond funny!)

And compare bellies...

Mireille took a few early trips to the hospital.  This was the one that my mom and Jerry's mom took with her when Jerry was working.  Mireille couldn't believe I was taking pictures, but you need them for the book, don't you??

Travis and Justin wanted to go too!

In the end, we couldn't make it happen.  We did some school, cooked some food to stock their freezer, and watched a slightly insane amount of television.  Mireille spent most of the week (and before) in periods of varying levels of labor.  She was fairly uncomfortable and rowdy boys weren't what she needed. 

One interesting thing that happened: Justin learned how to crawl out of the pack and play.  He is beyond flexible (darn those loose joints...) and he just flung his leg over, got up on the edge on his stomach, tipped over and fell right out.  I think he must have rubber bones too because he just bounced right up smiling (I had him demonstrate later...)  Travis came up to us and said, "Justin got out of bed!"  and right behind him comes smiling Justin.  After putting them back in bed, I told them I would be back to check on them.  When I came down a few minutes later, I overheard Travis saying, "Justin, get out of bed!"  After a few threats involving punishment for both boys if Justin got out of bed again, they finally settled down and went to sleep.

We had to leave Friday afternoon so here was our tearful good-bye.  The one disappointment for the boys was not getting to ride in the motor home to the hospital.  Jerry's parents planned to drive and park the motor home close to the hospital at a friends' house to wait for news.  So we have to plan another trip to get a ride (oh, and to meet Thatcher...)

Mireille's water broke on our airplane ride home and Thatcher arrived in his perfect time the next day around lunchtime.  The bonus was that my mom was able to stay and get some good grandma time in.

Welcome to our family, Thatcher!

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