Saturday, May 7, 2011

Another Day of Fence Building (Almost the End...)

The day after we returned from Seattle, it was time to do our fence.  As you can see, our neighbors were gearing up for their backyard party, complete with tents and a pinata.  So it was our goal to close in our yard once again and Travis was prepared for the task with his tool belt and of course, his hard hat!

Travis discovered his love of tree climbing and Justin really wanted to join in.  Unfortunately, Randy just had this tree trimmed way back and there wasn't much to climb.  The guys got right to work installing the rot board at the bottom of the fence.

This is my favorite picture from the day!  Marty was hammering on the rot board and Justin crawled over to the other side to help pound in the last nail.  He had his little wooden hammer.  It didn't do much for the nail, but he was fairly accurate.

As the tables went up next door, the 2x4s went between the posts.  See the pretty 2x4s across the top?  Chuck and I did that!  I didn't get to use the saw very much this time.  Chuck did most of the cuts and I did the measuring.

Justin found quite a few friends.  Randy said he doesn't think Justin's feet touched the ground most of the day.  This is one of our friends from church, who is also a pilot with me at work.  We actually met first at work and then by talking realized that we attend the same church.  He has become a great friend and he has walked with us in the Buddy Walk the past couple of years.  He has become one of Justin's good friends too!  They spent quite a while playing throw Daryl's hat on the ground.

This is the last corner of the yard being closed in, Travis' corner.  He was on hand all day watching the progress.  The new fence looks amazing and having so much help was beyond amazing.  I felt a little torn because without my mom here I had to take care of the kids, feed everyone, and help with the fence whenever I could.  But the end product is worth it!  Whew!  So glad we are done with this project!

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