Friday, October 22, 2010


We have been busy, busy, busy!  Here's some of what we've been doing:

  • Justin is doing great in therapy.  (I LOVE that I can say that pretty much all the time now!)  Today Miss Penny taped his torso (abdomen and back) and he took 30 steps!  Consecutively!  He would crouch down like he wanted to crawl and she would say, "No, no, we're going to keep walking"  and he would keep going!  So proud of little guy!
  • Miss Caroline evaluated him for OT recently and his "scores" jumped again!  His grasping jumped 7 months of progress and his visual motor integration skills jumped 4 months (in 6 months' time).  Yeah!  The evaluation tests skills and when he can't do three in the row on the list she has to stop, and there were lots of times where he couldn't do a couple and then he could, so she had to keep going.  Good stuff!  This means he has scattered skills way beyond what the scores say.
  • We have been rocking on the potty training.  No need for specifics, but way better than I would have thought.  He is interested and loves doing what big brother is doing.  We probably have a ways to go, but that's okay!
  • Travis did awesome at the dentist today.  He let the hygienist clean his teeth - YEAH!  I did resort to a threat and a bribe, but I don't think I caused irreparable harm.  The first time is the hardest, right??
  • We went to the ENT to follow-up on Travis' tonsillectomy.  He is still snoring, but I haven't been able to tell if he is still holding his breath like he was before. I am supposed to watch him sleep and see how he does.  If he still has problems, we can go to the sleep clinic or have a sleep study.  Nothing is happening until January for sure!  Too much on the schedule now.
  • I think Justin was jealous that we went to the doctor every day this week, and none of the appointments were for him.  So he got an ear infection this morning so he could have his turn too.
  • My mom's breast cancer is going to require chemotherapy.  That will probably start toward the end of next month.  They need to do a few more tests first.
  • We visited the Rise School this week. We are considering it as a possibility for Justin.  Right now we are on the waiting list, which gives us time to evaluate our options.  It is very far from our house, but very close to Randy's work.  And it is expensive.  Like college tuition expensive.  For preschool.  It all makes my head spin.  Like everything, is the good worth the bad that comes with it?
  • The weather is getting wonderful!  We love being able to take walks without sweating and go to the park and play for more than ten minutes without needing a drink of water.
  • Travis has the very best imagination ever!  Whatever he sees or reads becomes a game for us to play.  We were miners while we watched the miners being rescued; we recreated the story of Felipe Petit who walked on a high wire between the Twin Towers after we read the book; we were detectives after reading stories of the Boxcar Children.  It makes me laugh!

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