Sunday, March 25, 2012

Meat Day Clean Up

Meat Day was last week and that always involves washing out the coolers.  In the winter it's not the most pleasant job, as the water is pretty cold coming out of the hose.  But now that it's spring, I get a big "Hooray!" when I announce that it's time to clean out the coolers.  Justin's favorite job is soap and scrub...his feet that is!

Travis likes the spraying to rinse them out after washing.  It's a good idea to stay out of his way when he gets the hose.

Justin learned why spraying the hose is so much fun and I think it might be his new favorite job.  Travis said the water was freezing, but he never really tried to avoid it so it's hard to feel too badly for him!  Justin has good aim!

This month was our five year "meativersary"!  It's crazy to think it has been five years, but it's also hard to remember a time before Meat Day.   This month we did about 540 pounds of meat and it's still loads of fun for the whole family!

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